My dream job


In this moment, i don't have in mind what my dream job would be, I think I would like to have more than one. The first related to the career i am studying and the second related to music. Maybe I could start my own work, I don't know yet.

I would like a job that makes me feel comfortable in it, that doesn't make me feel depressed or that doesn't bore me, in the future i see myself in something perhaps more independent, that i can be myself at work

I have knowledge about music, i know how to play instruments, music theory and it is something that i like a lot, as well as my university degree, psychology, i still have years to finish my degree but i have learned a lot these years that i have been studying it. I need to learn business skills to be able to build my own job, learn economics and know how to manage the profits and losses of the business

Regarding the salary i am very relative, obviously i would not like to earn little money and have many expenses, but i am not very ambitious in this regard either, i would like to have enough to be able to live in peace and make expenses that i like, such as spending money on trips , to have a vehicle of my taste, to buy good food and not to have many excessive expenses, basically the common thing of any person. The career i am studying i think that if i have a good job, it can give me the money i need to be able to live

In any case, it is an issue that i am not very clear about at the moment, but i hope that in the near future i will be more certain of the place where i would like to work in the future.


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