In the case of my career (Psychology), i am satisfied with some aspects of the university and also dissatisfied with others. Being a career that does not require as much technology or human anatomy experiments like as medicine or programming, it does not need as many devices or activities outside the academic routine, it focuses more in the dialogue and understanding of the human mind.

Among the things that i would change, the curriculum is not one of them, I consider that it is very good with respect to the different areas of study of the mind, and it is also focused on the present. What I would add is more talks with experts in the field or more recognized psychologists, since we have not had any talks with anyone from the area apart from professors or the same colleagues who have already graduated from the university. They could add talks from people who explain the working world of psychology, or who also have experiences with patients, it would be very educational for us.

Another thing that i would add would be maybe educational outings to psychology centers in the city, or to exhibitions that they do about the main current advances in psychology and neuroscience, we haven't done any since i'm at university, but it would also teach us a lot on the advances of the world and the latest in psychology.

Regarding the structure of the university, i personally do not have many problems, but if i had to add something to change, it would be internet connectivity, is too bad and the signal is very poor. Perhaps i would add more comforts in the classroom, such as air conditioning or better projectors, beyond that i have no problems, the faculty is very nice and quiet to study.


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