My Autobiography

Marco Leiva Feliú

Hi everyone, my name is Marco Leiva F. and this is my autobiography. I am 19 years old and live in Chile, in the commune of Maipú. I’m studying psychology at Universidad de Chile. I´m not sure what to say about myself, because not even I know myself as well as I thought I did. I am a complicated person, I have very childish likes but also some very old-fashioned ones, I am as extroverted as I am introverted, I like old-school rock, musical instruments, the human mind, tasty food, animals, parties, hanging out with friends, in between other things.

My family consists of my mother, my father, my two sisters, my grandmother and mi cat, though as of now I live only with my parents, grandmother and cat, since my sisters are adults and live in their own homes.

Just like there are things I like, there are also a lot of things I don’t like, like liars, injustices, gardening, or having to read too many books, but mostly things that stress me out. I am a very irritable and temperamental person, but also calm and collected.

I don’t have a specific description about myself, as I said before, I’m someone who has a variety of reactions and feelings against life’s situations. All I know is that at this moment, I just want to find peace and happiness for myself and my family, I want to be able to find stability in my life and enjoy as much as I can all the years I have yet to live.


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