Oral presentation: Psychoanalysis

    Good morning teacher, my name is Marco Leiva, I study psychology at University of Chile. Today I’m going to talk about psychoanalysis. 

    Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic practice founded by neurologist Sigmund Freud in the 19th century that investigates people's emotional problems through the interpretation of certain acts and behaviors that the patient demonstrates. Among them are failed acts, dreams, free associations and one of the most important, the study of the conscious and the unconscious.

    The unconscious is a psychic state where the individual stores and represses all behaviors, impulses or instincts that cannot be done or satisfied in the conscious state for various reasons, such as them going against morality or being forbidden by society. 

    These repressed impulses in the unconscious mind come to light through different behaviors or experiences lived by people, by dreams, by failed acts that they commit or even by jokes, and the purpose of psychoanalysis is to help people through techniques that help alleviate repressed behaviors in the unconscious mind or change the mentality of the subject so that he does not feel guilty or depressed by some event that is tormenting him and he can finally achieve mental stability.

    In summary, psychoanalysis is a type of therapy that seeks to help people by relieving their feelings of guilt, fear or sadness, which are stored in the unconscious mind so that they can live in peace with themselves. I chose this topic because the way this therapy has developed through the years is very interesting and the number of patients it has helped is impressive. I like the way it is carried out and everything related to its study. 

    Thank you very much for your attention, good afternoon.


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