My favorite festivity

My favorite festivity 

The holiday I enjoy the most is Christmas, not because of Jesus or any religion, I’m not interested in that. It’s because since I was a kid the best memories I have are those with my family in Christmas time and the celebrations that take place then. I remember that I used to wait eagerly for the gifts, Christmas dinner, my dad to arrive home so we could all start eating together, among other memories that represent the happiness of the moment, and above all, valuable family time.

Today, it’s complicated to spend time with all of my family, since everyone has their own responsibilities that take up an important part of their time, but when this holiday approaches, no matter what, we all get together and share a good time. Maybe we don’t get together because we really yearn for Christmas like when I was a kid, but because of a sense of responsibility and the need to celebrate this holiday. Still, we get together and share, which is what matters and what gave me my favorite childhood memories.



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