Why did you chose your carrer

Why did you choose your carrer

I remember that when I was a child I wanted to be a famous and recognized musician, such as Axl Rose or Gustavo Cerati, I wanted to live fame and life as I wanted and above all for people to also be part of it.
However, as I got older I realized that being famous is very dangerous and has many risks in society, besides that it is not something necessary in life, there are other ways to enjoy.

I was experiencing in adolescence various events that changed my way of thinking and made me question the reason why people are a certain way and because they have those attitudes, in that way I became interested in psychology and the human mind. I decided to choose this career to be able to understand people's attitudes and how to apply them to daily life, I would like to be a professor of psychology and teach psychology to everyone, I would also like to do some research about the human mind and its mysteries. in turn, helping people who really need it and do not have enough support to improve their lives.


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