
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

Oral presentation: Psychoanalysis

     Good morning teacher, my name is Marco Leiva, I study psychology at University of Chile. Today I’m going to talk about psychoanalysis.       Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic practice founded by neurologist Sigmund Freud in the 19th century that investigates people's emotional problems through the interpretation of certain acts and behaviors that the patient demonstrates. Among them are failed acts, dreams, free associations and one of the most important, the study of the conscious and the unconscious.      The unconscious is a psychic state where the individual stores and represses all behaviors, impulses or instincts that cannot be done or satisfied in the conscious state for various reasons, such as them going against morality or being forbidden by society.       These repressed impulses in the unconscious mind come to light through different behaviors or experiences lived by people, by dreams, by failed acts that they commit or even by jokes, and the purpose of psychoanalysi

My favorite festivity

My favorite festivity  The holiday I enjoy the most is Christmas, not because of Jesus or any religion, I’m not interested in that. It’s because since I was a kid the best memories I have are those with my family in Christmas time and the celebrations that take place then. I remember that I used to wait eagerly for the gifts, Christmas dinner, my dad to arrive home so we could all start eating together, among other memories that represent the happiness of the moment, and above all, valuable family time. Today, it’s complicated to spend time with all of my family, since everyone has their own responsibilities that take up an important part of their time, but when this holiday approaches, no matter what, we all get together and share a good time. Maybe we don’t get together because we really yearn for Christmas like when I was a kid, but because of a sense of responsibility and the need to celebrate this holiday. Still, we get together and share, which is what matters and what gave m

My favorite piece of technology

  My Favorite Piece Of Technology  I'm not someone very technological, I enjoy other things more, but what I like the most about technology are computers, and my favorite piece is my Notebook. I have spent a lot of money to fix it and make it work well because it is my work tool, without the notebook I would not be able to do my university assignments, nor could I play and be distracted, it is essential especially in this quarantine, since everything is being done online. Besides playing and studying, I also use my computer to listen to music and research about topics that interest me, it is my favorite piece of technology that I have right now.